суббота, 31 октября 2015 г.

Nrisimha Pranama. Review from No Clean Singing

I learned about this last song thanks to a message from my friend “B” from the Siberian Russian band Station Dysthymia (among others). The name of the band is The Extinct Dreams, who are based in the city of Barnaul in Altai Krai in the Russian Federation. The song is called “Nrisimha Pranama”. It will appear on a split album entitled Metamorhosis and is described by the band as follows:

NRISIMHA PRANAMA (also known as Narasiṁha Praṇāma) is an ancient Vedic mantra, first mentioned in Narasiṁha Purāṇa. This particular mantra is directed to Narasiṁha Deva, an avatar of Viṣṇu; it helps surmounting the obstacles on ones spiritual path. The story of Narasiṁha Deva is told in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (Bhāgavata Purāṇa), Canto 7, chapters 2-10.
The music is beautiful and meditative at first, the ringing, layered guitars tracing an ethereal melody that glows. And then the band transform that melody into something that’s also heavy and aching, cloaking it in a mantle of doom. But even as the song becomes heavier and more somber, it remains beautiful and emotionally moving. And I warn you, it will be a while before the mesmerizing music leaves your head since you’ve heard it.  (The song is also an exception to our “Rule”, with strong clean vocals that suit the music very well.)

Source: No Clean Singing